Wednesday 26 February 2014

Cross Country Skiing

What a day for Cross Country Skiing.  The students had a great time and thanks to all the parents for helping out!  Enjoy the pictures and the videos.

Keiryn -- P.E. Teacher for the day

As part of our Read-A-Thon festivities, Keiryn won the opportunity to be P.E. teacher for the day.  It was her responsibility to plan the class, supervise the class, and keep the class students moving.   Here are some pictures and a short video (showing the Dilly Bar Challenge).

                                          Warm Up
                                          Keiryn enjoying watching her students do their warm up

                                           Keiryn giving instructions to her class.

                                           Flashlight Tag

                                           Keiryn enjoyed using her whistle!

Our next P.E. teacher for the day will be Andreas.

Monday 3 February 2014

Where Does Our Food Come From?

Today students visited Overwaitea Foods to learn where their food comes from.  Students explored the meat section, produce section, dairy section and the cereal isle.  From their exploration, students started to realize how much of their food does not come from Canada.  For example, students where finding that a lot of our produce may be packaged in the United States, but most of it originated from countries in South America (primarily Mexico).  When it came to the cereal isle, it was very difficult to figure out where the product came from.  In most cases, it simply said "imported."  So where is our food coming from?  With Kellog's recently closing their Canadian plant in Ontario for cheaper production in Asia, it makes you wonder where our cereals and such are actually being made.

The whole point of this activity was to see where the food we eat is coming from.  Below are some pictures of our trip.

Thanks to Overwaitea and Carlos Burton for setting this up for us!

                                         Checking out the dairy isle.  Most of it was from Canada.

                                        Scott and Rocco looking at cheese.

                                        Cheyanne and Lauren looking at Cream Cheese.
                                         Cereal Isle:  Many of the students where pointing out all
                                         the advertising techniques being used. Also, many where
                                         checking out the sugar and salt content of the cereal!

                                         Got Milk?  Amber, Mackenzie, Kelsey and Tiana.

                                          Jet and Jerrica


Sunday 2 February 2014

Read A Thon -- February 2014

After receiving feedback from the students and parents, it was decided that our class would do a Read A Thon.  That said, the number of minutes students are asked to read will be less.  This year, students are asked to read 20 minutes each day or 560 minutes for the entire month.  Personally, I believe this number to be quite reasonable and am hopeful students will do their best.  When it comes to improve reading, it really does come down to practicing each night.

Class versus Class for a Free P.E. Period:  Our class is feeling very confident in their ability to read and wanted to challenge another class.  Our class has currently challenged the Grade 4 class to see who can read the most minutes.  The class with the most minutes will take a P.E. class from the other class!  Each week, our classes will share their minutes so each class can know how they are doing.

Below is a sample of the calendar that will be sent home.  After discussing with the class, students came up with ideas on how to make the Read A Thon for our class.  Here is what they came up with:

Draw Activities:  Each day, for every 20 minutes a student reads they will receive one ticket.  If students read for 40 minutes, they will receive two tickets (etc.).  Each ticket will be put into a draw for a chance to win. The more tickets a student has, the higher the likelihood they will win.  Note:  For simplicity, it must be in 20 minute intervals.  Example:  20 minutes = 1 ticket, 40 minutes = 2 tickets, 60 minutes = 3 tickets.
30 minutes = 1 ticket, 45 minutes = 2 tickets.

Stay in at lunch with a Friend at lunch:  On many cold days, students like to stay inside.  In most cases, students are not allowed to stay in the class.  If a student wins this draw, they can pick one lunch hour to stay in with a friend.

P.E. Teacher:  The student who wins this draw will meet with Mr. Blick and plan out a P.E. period.  The student will run the entire class and is in charge.  Mr. Blick will act as a student and will have to listen to the teacher!

Art Teacher:  Mrs. Doeleman has agreed to let the student who wins pick an Art activity of their choice.  Students can either pick their own idea or meet with Mrs. Doeleman and she will give them options.  The student will act as the teacher and students must treat them as the teacher.

Helping Hand for 3 Days:  Each day we have a Helping Hand that gets certain privileges for the day.  These include having their choice of two special chairs, lining up and so forth.  If students win this draw, they get to be Helping Hand for 3 consecutive days of their choice.

Play a Math Game During SSR:  Each day students read for 20 to 25 minutes.  If the student wins this draw, they are allowed to play a math game (the game must involve math skills) during this time.

Reading Goal Minutes:  To help generate enthusiasm, students will gain additional prizes as a group if they meet particular goals.

Donut Ski Trip Day:   If the class reaches 7 020 minutes by February 13th, each student will get a donut from Tim Hortons on February 14 ski trip.  I will try my best to take requests from students (within reason).

Eat with Buddy at lunch:  Students typically are allowed to read with a buddy every Friday.  Since this is very popular, students will be given an extra day in the week if they meet the required minutes of 2 160 minutes

Extra Long Recess:  Students will gain an additional 10 minutes on their Short Recess if the class reaches 11 340 minutes.

Read with Parent:  If students read with their parent or student and parent read separate books as the same time, students are entitled to a bonus of 20 minutes.  This can only happen one time each weekend.

February 2014  -Read-A-Thon Grade 5 Calendar:  Student goal is 20 minutes each night or 560 minutes for the month.  Parents MUST sign each day.
~ February 2014 ~
Week 1 Total:
Sun. to Sat.

Week 2 Total:
Sun. to Sat.

Week 3 Total:
Sun. to Sat.

Week 4 Total:
Sun. to Sat.

Week 5 Total:
Sun. to Sat.

Bowling Party if we reach our goal of 15 120 minutes.
1 Week 1
Min Read_________
 2 Week 2
Min Read_________
3 Week 2
Min Read_________


4  Week 2
Min Read_________


Eat with a buddy lunch:  (2 160 min.)
5 Week 2
Min Read_________


Play Math games on the computer during SSR Draw.
6 Week 2
Min Read_________


P.E. Teacher for a day Draw.
7 Week 2
Min Read_________


8 Week 2
Min Read_________

Read with a parent or at the same time and get 20 free minutes.
9 Week 3
Min Read_________


10 Week 3
Min Read_________


11 Week 3
Min Read_________


Stay in at lunch with a friend Draw.
12 Week 3
Min Read_________


13 Week 3
Min Read_________


14 Week 3
Min Read_________


Donut Day for Ski Trip (7 020 minutes)
15 Week 3
Min Read_________
16 Week 4
Min Read_________

Read with a parent or at the same time and get 20 free minutes.

17 Week 4
Min Read_________

P.E. Teacher for a day Draw.

18 Week 4
Min Read_________
19 Week 4
Min Read_________

Win 3 days in a row as Helping Hand Draw.
20 Week 4
Min Read_________

Stay in at lunch with a friend Draw.
21 Week 4
Min Read_________

Extra Long Recess:
(11 340 minutes)
22 Week 4
Min Read_________
23 Week 5
Min Read_________

Read with a parent or at the same time and get 20 free minutes.
24 Week 5
Min Read_________

Art Teacher for the day Draw.
25 Week 5
Min Read_________

26 Week 5
Min Read_________

Play Math games on the computer during SSR Draw.
27 Week 5
Min Read_________

28 Week 5
Min Read_________

Win 3 days in a row as Helping Hand Draw.
Month Total:

More Calendars from WinCalendar: Mar 2014, Apr 2014, May 2014

·         Parents MUST initial each day of reading on the calendar.