Wednesday 28 November 2012


This is a Kaden Hanson Design

Students in our class have been taking advantage of the K'Nex in our classroom.  The overall goal is provide educational alternatives when students have free time.  With our upcoming unit on Simple and Compound Machines, students are starting to get some insight into how machines operate.  In addition, we currently have four batteries that students have been using to make their machines come to life! 

Folk Art Projects

Thanks to Mrs. Moore and all the students who brought in paint so we could finish our project.  Feel free to ask the students explain all the steps involved!

Cross Country Skiing -- Nelson Nordic Ski Club

Our class will be partnering with Mrs. McLean's class to Cross Country Ski with the Nelson Nordic Ski club.  Our class will be Cross Country Skiing on Thursday February 14th, Friday March 1st and Friday March 8th.

The cost will be $6 per student each time for the rentals.  For the bus, we are looking at around $6.50.  Therefore, the total cost will be approximately $38.

We will be requiring Parent Volunteers.  Due to limited equipment, one class will be sledding while the other class is Cross Country.  As a result, we will need parents to help with supervision during sledding.  For Cross Country Skiing, parents are allowed to ski.  If you have your own equipment, there will be no charge.  If you need to rent, the cost will be $6 each time.

If you have any questions or concerns, please let me know.


Mr. Blick
Grade 5

Sunday 18 November 2012

What's New?

Early Dismissal:  A reminder to parents that school will be getting out at 2pm on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.

Mystery Unit:  Our class will be starting a unit on Mystery.  Students will focus on all the elements that make up the Mystery genre.  These include characters, setting, plot, clues, distractions and structure.  Furthermore, students will be introduced to the vocabularly associated with mystery stories (alibi, breakthrough, clue, crime, deduction, detective, evidence, hunch, motive, mystery, red herring, sleuth, suspect and witness.  As quiz will be given on this vocularly before Christmas. 

Once we have covered the basics, students will start working on their own mystery story.  In the end, students will be asked to hand in one mystery story and will be evaluated using the criteria discussed in class.  In addition, students will work on creating a mystery movie using Movie Maker (January).

Spelling:  Our first set of spelling words will be coming home Monday November 19th and they will consist of 15 words.  Most of the students will be given a set of words for early Grade 5.  However, if students are finding the words to difficult/easy, adjustments will be made over the next few weeks and different spelling groups may be established if needed.  While students will be given some time on Monday to review, it is expected that they will practice them over the week for a test each Friday.

Movie Maker:  This week students will be introduced to Microsoft Movie Maker.  At first, students will be given "fun" activities to help them explore the program.  For our final Science Project, students will be create a short picture movie of the Nervous System.  I will discuss the criteria with the class.

Science:  Our next Science test will take place this Friday on the Circulatory System.  After discussing the tests with students, the majority of students felt it was time to test our knowledge in another way.  Therefore, we will use Movie Maker to show what we have learned.

Fort Steele:  I am looking at having the parent meeting on Monday December 10 th at 7pm.  At this meeting, I will discuss what is currently planned for the fieldtrip.  For this fieldtrip, the costs can vary as we have a number of different options for activities and how we intend to feed the students.  If we decide to prepare our own food, I will be looking for a parent group who will take on this responsibility. 

Pridham Studios:  Our class will start making their ornaments on Wednesday morning.

If you have any questions or concerns, please let me know!


Mr. Blick

Thursday 8 November 2012

Pridham Studios

We are going ahead with this project.  Next Wednesday November 14th at 1pm our class will have a tour.  Any parents that would like to join us are encouraged to do so.  Please let Mr. Blick know if you are wanting to attend (Agenda or email:


Mr. Blick

Tuesday 6 November 2012

Novel Study: Sadako and the One Thousand Paper Cranes

Today our class finished the novel.  At this moment we are working on making two meaningful connections and how to summarize the book.  I will be sending the books home this weekend.  There are two things I would like parents to look at:

   1.  Yellow Stickies:  Please take some time to look through your child's book and see what they have written on their yellow stickies.  The yellow stickes are designed to give some idea into what your child is "thinking" as they read.  In particular, students were focusing on writing deep questions, connections and any inferences they may have made.

2.   With the upcoming Rememberance Day Ceremonies, please take some time to ask your child how this book is connected to Rememberance Day.  Many students have learnt that even after war during peaceful times, the effects of war can linger for years if not decades after the fact.  Lastly, this book has given us an opportunity to remind us that Rememberance Day is extremely important to our country and the freedom we currently have.  It is hoped that on the November 11th at 11 a.m., students will stop what they are doing and take a few minutes to think about those who sacrificed so much for our country.

If you have any questions or concerns, please let me know.

Sunday 4 November 2012

Clay Ornaments -- Pridham Studio

Dear Parents/Guardians,

The students are working on a Folk Art landscape.   They have created and are coloring patterns in with crayon and will need to paint over them.  If possible, we are asking students to bring in disk paint sets that they hopefully still have from past years (students from Mrs. Doeleman’s class had them last year) and 8 or 10 bright coloured crayons (hopefully still have somewhere around your home). If you do not still have these materials, please do not worry.  If enough students can bring in some materials, we will share accordingly.  The project will be completed this week if enough supplies arrive.  The students have worked extremely hard and we look forward to seeing their work completed.

So far, approximately 13 students have brought in their $3.50 for the clay project at Pridham Studio.  Pridham Studio needs the payment before we start to offset the cost of the clay they are providing. The sooner we can collect the money for the project, the sooner we can get started on it.  Since this process can be quite extensive (time for rolling out, cutting, drying, kiln firing, glazing & another kiln firing) it is hoped that we can start this project this upcoming week.  Otherwise, there will be no guarantee that we will be able to complete this project for Christmas.    

If the majority students have not sent in their money by Wednesday, we will likely have to cancel this art project.  If there are any financial concerns, please let me know.


Mr. Blick (Grade 5 Teacher)
Christa Moore  (Parent Volunteer)

Friday 2 November 2012

Film Skits -- Healthy Living

Our healthy living skits went very well.  I am very impressed with the effort and hard work that all students put into this project.  Students will have the opportunity to self-assess their skit next week, thus completing the project.  For any parents that are interested in viewing the skits, please let me know.  All the skits are definitely worth the time to view!