Hope you enjoy the videos!
Wednesday, 19 December 2012
Monday, 17 December 2012
Internal Organs -- Presented by Mr. Giles
Mr. Giles came into our classroom today and provided us with an unique and exciting presentation using lamb organs! Students participated in a hands-on activity that they are sure to never forget! Please enjoy the pictures and the videos. Thanks to all the students who either took photos or movies of this event! Lastly, thanks for Mr. Giles for helping us to take our learning further!
Christmas Ornaments: Pridham Studios
Last week we finished painting our ornaments. I took the ornaments to Pridham Studios last Friday and expect to have them back Wednesday or Thursday (Dec. 16 or 17th). If everything goes well, students can expect to have up to four ornaments.
If students are concerned about breaking their ornaments, parents are invited to stop by on the night of the Christmas Concert (Thursday December 17th) and pick up their ornaments. Otherwise, students can take home their ornaments at their own risks.
Please enjoy some pictures. When the finished product comes in, I will have one of the students take some pictures.
Mr. Blick
If students are concerned about breaking their ornaments, parents are invited to stop by on the night of the Christmas Concert (Thursday December 17th) and pick up their ornaments. Otherwise, students can take home their ornaments at their own risks.
Please enjoy some pictures. When the finished product comes in, I will have one of the students take some pictures.
Mr. Blick
Friday, 7 December 2012
Random Shots
Short Video Clip and some random pictures. Hope you enjoy!
Thanks to Jessa for helping to take some pictures!
Working Hard!
Thursday, 6 December 2012
First Term Reports Sent Home
First term Report Cards were sent home today. Please sign and return the front copy with the envelope. If you have any questions, concerns, or would like to meet, please let me know.
Mr. Blick
ARES: 250-428-2051
Email: mblick@sd8.bc.ca
Agenda: Write a note in the agenda.
Report Card: Mark the box for meeting.
Mr. Blick
ARES: 250-428-2051
Email: mblick@sd8.bc.ca
Agenda: Write a note in the agenda.
Report Card: Mark the box for meeting.
Rise of the Guardians
The Tivoli Theatre is having a special matinee showing of the movie Rise of the Guardians. It is an animated Christmas story and is rated G.
Movie Synopsis: When an evil spirit known as Pitch the Bogeyman (Jude Law) tries to take over the world by inspiring fear in the hearts of children, the immortal Guardians, aka heroes from the different childhood stories – Jack Frost (Chris Pine), Easter Bunny (Hugh Jackman), Tooth Fairy (Isla Fisher), Sandman and Santa Claus (Alec Baldwin) – must join forces for the first time to protect the hopes, beliefs and imagination of children all over the world.
Classes will be going on Friday December 14th, walking down after we eat lunch. Students will watch the movie, then walk back in time to be dismissed. Cost is $8 per student, which includes: a small popcorn and a juice box. The concession will otherwise be closed.
Please fill in and return the bottom portion of this form if you wish for your child to attend.
Cost: $8 per student
I give_____________________________ permission to go to Rise of the Guardians on Friday Dec. 14th.
( parent or guardian signature)
enclosed is $8.00 cash or cheque
Note: It is up to parents if we go. If the majority of students are interested, our class with take part.
Mr. Blick
Fort Steele Parent Night Monday Dec.10 at 7pm
Fort Steele Overnight Trip
Thursday May 30 to Friday May 31, 2013
Below are the projected costs. Most costs are fixed. The only cost that is still to be determined is the food. How we plan to eat can greatly reduce the price. Below I have created a basic overview. If you have any ideas, questions or concerns, please let me know.
ARES: 250-428-2051 Email: mblick@sd8.bc.ca
General Questions to think about:
Are you interested in attending?
Are you interested in staying the night? Helping out for one day (Thursday or Friday)?
If you have done this before or have experience, do you any suggestions?
Activities: Total Cost: $300
Food Preservation: Cost $100 Time: 1.5 to 2 hours
In the 1890’s food preservation was crucial to the well being of the townsfolk. In this program students will prepare meat in a smoker and dry apples that they can take home. They will also learn the important steps to canning, drying, and pickling.
The First Spike: Cost: $100 Time: 1.5 to 2 hours
Hear about the catastrophic effects on Fort Steel when the town was by-passed by the B.C. Southern Railway and the demanding life of a railway worker. Then the students will build a section of track using authentic railway tools, and finish the program with a pump-cart ride on the tracks.
Mountie Life: Cost $100 Time: 1.5 hours
Learn the history of why the North West Mounted Police were dispatched to Fort Steele. Through hand-on activities and marching drills students will experience what 1880’s Mountie Life might have been like.
Cooking Facilities and Eat Out: Approx: $500
Current Budget is based on 24 students and 6 parents
$16.60 per person
I. 3 Options for cooking at Fort Steele
1. Use the wood cookstove in the barracks. When using the stovetop or oven keep in mind that it takes at least an hour for the stove to heat up, so plan ahead. For example, bring food that just needs heated up and not neccessarily cooked, like chili.
2. The second option is a campfire next to the barracks, but that is dependent upon fire bans.
3. The third option is to use our food services, bakery and/or restaurant. See attached booklet will be available at the parent meeting. Price are around $9-10 per meal with taxes.
II. If we cook ourselves, costs will need to be determined.
1. Who is willing to help out with making food (at home)?
Mr. Giles will provide $100 to help cover costs.
Busing Costs: $400
The total cost will be $800. This amount is divided by two classes. Our total cost for our class will be $400.
Swimming at the Cranbrook Rec Plex: Cost: $100 Time: 2 hours
Our cost after splitting this with Canyon will be $100.
Total Costs:
Bus : $400
Activities: $300
Swimming $100
Food $500
Total Cost: $1300 – $100 = $1200 / 24 students - $50
Cost Per Student: $50
Wednesday, 28 November 2012
This is a Kaden Hanson Design
Folk Art Projects
Thanks to Mrs. Moore and all the students who brought in paint so we could finish our project. Feel free to ask the students explain all the steps involved!
Cross Country Skiing -- Nelson Nordic Ski Club
Our class will be partnering with Mrs. McLean's class to Cross Country Ski with the Nelson Nordic Ski club. Our class will be Cross Country Skiing on Thursday February 14th, Friday March 1st and Friday March 8th.
The cost will be $6 per student each time for the rentals. For the bus, we are looking at around $6.50. Therefore, the total cost will be approximately $38.
We will be requiring Parent Volunteers. Due to limited equipment, one class will be sledding while the other class is Cross Country. As a result, we will need parents to help with supervision during sledding. For Cross Country Skiing, parents are allowed to ski. If you have your own equipment, there will be no charge. If you need to rent, the cost will be $6 each time.
If you have any questions or concerns, please let me know.
Mr. Blick
Grade 5
The cost will be $6 per student each time for the rentals. For the bus, we are looking at around $6.50. Therefore, the total cost will be approximately $38.
We will be requiring Parent Volunteers. Due to limited equipment, one class will be sledding while the other class is Cross Country. As a result, we will need parents to help with supervision during sledding. For Cross Country Skiing, parents are allowed to ski. If you have your own equipment, there will be no charge. If you need to rent, the cost will be $6 each time.
If you have any questions or concerns, please let me know.
Mr. Blick
Grade 5
Sunday, 18 November 2012
What's New?
Early Dismissal: A reminder to parents that school will be getting out at 2pm on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.
Mystery Unit: Our class will be starting a unit on Mystery. Students will focus on all the elements that make up the Mystery genre. These include characters, setting, plot, clues, distractions and structure. Furthermore, students will be introduced to the vocabularly associated with mystery stories (alibi, breakthrough, clue, crime, deduction, detective, evidence, hunch, motive, mystery, red herring, sleuth, suspect and witness. As quiz will be given on this vocularly before Christmas.
Once we have covered the basics, students will start working on their own mystery story. In the end, students will be asked to hand in one mystery story and will be evaluated using the criteria discussed in class. In addition, students will work on creating a mystery movie using Movie Maker (January).
Spelling: Our first set of spelling words will be coming home Monday November 19th and they will consist of 15 words. Most of the students will be given a set of words for early Grade 5. However, if students are finding the words to difficult/easy, adjustments will be made over the next few weeks and different spelling groups may be established if needed. While students will be given some time on Monday to review, it is expected that they will practice them over the week for a test each Friday.
Movie Maker: This week students will be introduced to Microsoft Movie Maker. At first, students will be given "fun" activities to help them explore the program. For our final Science Project, students will be create a short picture movie of the Nervous System. I will discuss the criteria with the class.
Science: Our next Science test will take place this Friday on the Circulatory System. After discussing the tests with students, the majority of students felt it was time to test our knowledge in another way. Therefore, we will use Movie Maker to show what we have learned.
Fort Steele: I am looking at having the parent meeting on Monday December 10 th at 7pm. At this meeting, I will discuss what is currently planned for the fieldtrip. For this fieldtrip, the costs can vary as we have a number of different options for activities and how we intend to feed the students. If we decide to prepare our own food, I will be looking for a parent group who will take on this responsibility.
Pridham Studios: Our class will start making their ornaments on Wednesday morning.
If you have any questions or concerns, please let me know!
Mr. Blick
Mystery Unit: Our class will be starting a unit on Mystery. Students will focus on all the elements that make up the Mystery genre. These include characters, setting, plot, clues, distractions and structure. Furthermore, students will be introduced to the vocabularly associated with mystery stories (alibi, breakthrough, clue, crime, deduction, detective, evidence, hunch, motive, mystery, red herring, sleuth, suspect and witness. As quiz will be given on this vocularly before Christmas.
Once we have covered the basics, students will start working on their own mystery story. In the end, students will be asked to hand in one mystery story and will be evaluated using the criteria discussed in class. In addition, students will work on creating a mystery movie using Movie Maker (January).
Spelling: Our first set of spelling words will be coming home Monday November 19th and they will consist of 15 words. Most of the students will be given a set of words for early Grade 5. However, if students are finding the words to difficult/easy, adjustments will be made over the next few weeks and different spelling groups may be established if needed. While students will be given some time on Monday to review, it is expected that they will practice them over the week for a test each Friday.
Movie Maker: This week students will be introduced to Microsoft Movie Maker. At first, students will be given "fun" activities to help them explore the program. For our final Science Project, students will be create a short picture movie of the Nervous System. I will discuss the criteria with the class.
Science: Our next Science test will take place this Friday on the Circulatory System. After discussing the tests with students, the majority of students felt it was time to test our knowledge in another way. Therefore, we will use Movie Maker to show what we have learned.
Fort Steele: I am looking at having the parent meeting on Monday December 10 th at 7pm. At this meeting, I will discuss what is currently planned for the fieldtrip. For this fieldtrip, the costs can vary as we have a number of different options for activities and how we intend to feed the students. If we decide to prepare our own food, I will be looking for a parent group who will take on this responsibility.
Pridham Studios: Our class will start making their ornaments on Wednesday morning.
If you have any questions or concerns, please let me know!
Mr. Blick
Thursday, 8 November 2012
Pridham Studios
We are going ahead with this project. Next Wednesday November 14th at 1pm our class will have a tour. Any parents that would like to join us are encouraged to do so. Please let Mr. Blick know if you are wanting to attend (Agenda or email: mblick@sd8.bc.ca).
Mr. Blick
Mr. Blick
Tuesday, 6 November 2012
Novel Study: Sadako and the One Thousand Paper Cranes
Today our class finished the novel. At this moment we are working on making two meaningful connections and how to summarize the book. I will be sending the books home this weekend. There are two things I would like parents to look at:
1. Yellow Stickies: Please take some time to look through your child's book and see what they have written on their yellow stickies. The yellow stickes are designed to give some idea into what your child is "thinking" as they read. In particular, students were focusing on writing deep questions, connections and any inferences they may have made.
2. With the upcoming Rememberance Day Ceremonies, please take some time to ask your child how this book is connected to Rememberance Day. Many students have learnt that even after war during peaceful times, the effects of war can linger for years if not decades after the fact. Lastly, this book has given us an opportunity to remind us that Rememberance Day is extremely important to our country and the freedom we currently have. It is hoped that on the November 11th at 11 a.m., students will stop what they are doing and take a few minutes to think about those who sacrificed so much for our country.
If you have any questions or concerns, please let me know.
1. Yellow Stickies: Please take some time to look through your child's book and see what they have written on their yellow stickies. The yellow stickes are designed to give some idea into what your child is "thinking" as they read. In particular, students were focusing on writing deep questions, connections and any inferences they may have made.
2. With the upcoming Rememberance Day Ceremonies, please take some time to ask your child how this book is connected to Rememberance Day. Many students have learnt that even after war during peaceful times, the effects of war can linger for years if not decades after the fact. Lastly, this book has given us an opportunity to remind us that Rememberance Day is extremely important to our country and the freedom we currently have. It is hoped that on the November 11th at 11 a.m., students will stop what they are doing and take a few minutes to think about those who sacrificed so much for our country.
If you have any questions or concerns, please let me know.
Sunday, 4 November 2012
Clay Ornaments -- Pridham Studio
Dear Parents/Guardians,
The students are working on a Folk Art landscape. They have created and are coloring patterns in with crayon and will need to paint over them. If possible, we are asking students to bring in disk paint sets that they hopefully still have from past years (students from Mrs. Doeleman’s class had them last year) and 8 or 10 bright coloured crayons (hopefully still have somewhere around your home). If you do not still have these materials, please do not worry. If enough students can bring in some materials, we will share accordingly. The project will be completed this week if enough supplies arrive. The students have worked extremely hard and we look forward to seeing their work completed.
So far, approximately 13 students have brought in their $3.50 for the clay project at Pridham Studio. Pridham Studio needs the payment before we start to offset the cost of the clay they are providing. The sooner we can collect the money for the project, the sooner we can get started on it. Since this process can be quite extensive (time for rolling out, cutting, drying, kiln firing, glazing & another kiln firing) it is hoped that we can start this project this upcoming week. Otherwise, there will be no guarantee that we will be able to complete this project for Christmas.
The students are working on a Folk Art landscape. They have created and are coloring patterns in with crayon and will need to paint over them. If possible, we are asking students to bring in disk paint sets that they hopefully still have from past years (students from Mrs. Doeleman’s class had them last year) and 8 or 10 bright coloured crayons (hopefully still have somewhere around your home). If you do not still have these materials, please do not worry. If enough students can bring in some materials, we will share accordingly. The project will be completed this week if enough supplies arrive. The students have worked extremely hard and we look forward to seeing their work completed.
So far, approximately 13 students have brought in their $3.50 for the clay project at Pridham Studio. Pridham Studio needs the payment before we start to offset the cost of the clay they are providing. The sooner we can collect the money for the project, the sooner we can get started on it. Since this process can be quite extensive (time for rolling out, cutting, drying, kiln firing, glazing & another kiln firing) it is hoped that we can start this project this upcoming week. Otherwise, there will be no guarantee that we will be able to complete this project for Christmas.
If the majority students have not sent in their money by Wednesday, we will likely have to cancel this art project. If there are any financial concerns, please let me know.
Mr. Blick (Grade 5 Teacher)
Christa Moore (Parent Volunteer)
Christa Moore (Parent Volunteer)
Friday, 2 November 2012
Film Skits -- Healthy Living
Our healthy living skits went very well. I am very impressed with the effort and hard work that all students put into this project. Students will have the opportunity to self-assess their skit next week, thus completing the project. For any parents that are interested in viewing the skits, please let me know. All the skits are definitely worth the time to view!
Monday, 29 October 2012
Science Quiz: Digestion -- Monday November 5th, 2012
Our class is working on the Human Body. The basic goal of this unit is to give students a general overview on how the body systems work and how they must work together.
Students were sent home with a study guide dealing with Digestion. On the quiz, students will need to be able to:
1. Match vocabulary words to their definitions
2. Complete Digestive Diagram
3. Explain the path of digestion and how nutrients and waste leave our body.
Tomorrow our class will start learning about the Respiratory System.
Over the next five weeks, their will be a short quiz given. After a discussion of options, the students chose this option to show their learning.
Math Quiz: Front End Estimating, Adding/Subtracting with Regrouping -- Friday November 9th, 2012
We are working on adding six digit numbers with multiple regroupings. Students will be expected to add with two numbers, three numbers and four numbers. In addition, students will be expected to be able to subtract six digit numbers with regrouping.
Students will be expected to Front End Estimate their answers and prove they have an understanding of the concept.
If parents have any questions or concerns, please let me know.
Mr. Blick
Our class is working on the Human Body. The basic goal of this unit is to give students a general overview on how the body systems work and how they must work together.
Students were sent home with a study guide dealing with Digestion. On the quiz, students will need to be able to:
1. Match vocabulary words to their definitions
2. Complete Digestive Diagram
3. Explain the path of digestion and how nutrients and waste leave our body.
Tomorrow our class will start learning about the Respiratory System.
Over the next five weeks, their will be a short quiz given. After a discussion of options, the students chose this option to show their learning.
Math Quiz: Front End Estimating, Adding/Subtracting with Regrouping -- Friday November 9th, 2012
We are working on adding six digit numbers with multiple regroupings. Students will be expected to add with two numbers, three numbers and four numbers. In addition, students will be expected to be able to subtract six digit numbers with regrouping.
Students will be expected to Front End Estimate their answers and prove they have an understanding of the concept.
If parents have any questions or concerns, please let me know.
Mr. Blick
Wednesday, 24 October 2012
Fort Steele Overnight Trip
I will host a parent meeting in December regarding our upcomming trip to Fort Steele on Thursday May 31. To help cover costs, the Grade 5/6 Class from Canyon/Lister Elementary School will be joining us.
The students have chosen two activities they would like to participate in and I am in the process of booking them. In addition, I am looking into visiting the Cranbrook Railway Museum.
Food Preservation Description: In the 1890's food preservation was crucial to the well being of the townsfolk. In this program, students will prepare meat in a smoker and dry apples that they can take home. They will also learn the important steps in canning, drying, and pickling.
The First Spike Description: Hear the catastrophic effects on Fort Steele when the town was by-passed by the B.C. Southern Railway and the demanding work of a railway worker. Then the students will build a section of track using authentic railway tools, and finish the program with a pump-cart ride on the tracks.
At this point, I am expecting the trip to cost $30. This will cover all costs associated (programs, bus, overnight trip and food).
I will be looking for parent volunteers to assist. In particular, I will be looking to create a parent group to help purchase and organize the food.
If you have any questions or concerns, please let me know.
The students have chosen two activities they would like to participate in and I am in the process of booking them. In addition, I am looking into visiting the Cranbrook Railway Museum.
Food Preservation Description: In the 1890's food preservation was crucial to the well being of the townsfolk. In this program, students will prepare meat in a smoker and dry apples that they can take home. They will also learn the important steps in canning, drying, and pickling.
The First Spike Description: Hear the catastrophic effects on Fort Steele when the town was by-passed by the B.C. Southern Railway and the demanding work of a railway worker. Then the students will build a section of track using authentic railway tools, and finish the program with a pump-cart ride on the tracks.
At this point, I am expecting the trip to cost $30. This will cover all costs associated (programs, bus, overnight trip and food).
I will be looking for parent volunteers to assist. In particular, I will be looking to create a parent group to help purchase and organize the food.
If you have any questions or concerns, please let me know.
Tuesday, 23 October 2012
Christmas Art Project -- Cost: $3.50
Starting in early November, our class has an unique opportunity to create a Clay Christmas Decoration through Pridham Studio. Pridham studio will provide a tour and all the necessary tools to help our Christmas Decorations come to life! In order to cover the costs of this project, I am asking that parents please send in $3.50. Normally this activity would cost $5, but Mr. Giles was generous in offering to cover the additional $1.50. If any parents have concerns about the cost, please let me know. I will ensure that every student has the opportunity to participate.
Lastly, I would like to thank Mrs. Moore for setting up this Art Project! Mrs. Moore has been donating her time to provide Art activites for the class and has organized the entire Christmas Decoration project.
Lastly, I would like to thank Mrs. Moore for setting up this Art Project! Mrs. Moore has been donating her time to provide Art activites for the class and has organized the entire Christmas Decoration project.
Health Test and Front End Estimation
Completed marking Health Test. Very impressed overall with the effort. Thanks to all the parents who helped their children study for this test! Tests will be sent out Oct. 24th. Please sign and return to school.
Our class is currently working on Front End Estimation. It is important that students try to get an estimate (approximate answer) before attempting a question. By having an estimate, students will be able to compare their answer to their estimate to see if their answer is reasonable. We will use Front End Estimation for Addition, Subtraction, Multilication and Long Division. In addition, we are looking at how to round numbers. While not part of the curriculum, it can be an extremely valuable tool when trying to get a more accurate Front End Estimation.
If you have any questions or concerns, please let me know!
Completed marking Health Test. Very impressed overall with the effort. Thanks to all the parents who helped their children study for this test! Tests will be sent out Oct. 24th. Please sign and return to school.
Our class is currently working on Front End Estimation. It is important that students try to get an estimate (approximate answer) before attempting a question. By having an estimate, students will be able to compare their answer to their estimate to see if their answer is reasonable. We will use Front End Estimation for Addition, Subtraction, Multilication and Long Division. In addition, we are looking at how to round numbers. While not part of the curriculum, it can be an extremely valuable tool when trying to get a more accurate Front End Estimation.
If you have any questions or concerns, please let me know!
Monday, 22 October 2012
Novel Study -- Sadako
Our class will begin a novel study on Sadako. Students will each be given a book and are expected to read one chapter each day (nine in total). Each day they will have a short assignment to complete.
Focus of novel study: Higher level thinking
Make two Meaningful Connections
Ask one meaningful question each chapter
Make regular predictions
Put thought into the Response Questions
Basic Overview:

Sadako is a Japanese girl who lives with her older brother, younger sister, younger brother, and parents in Hiroshima, 1955. She attends school, has a best friend, and participates with Peace Day, a celebration to honor those who lost their lives due to the atomic bomb that was dropped during WWII. She is also opinionated, competitive, strong, and courageous. She is chosen to participate in a race at school, and while running, feels dizzy. At first a secret, her symptoms soon are detected by teachers. In the hospital she is diagnosed with leukemia, "the bomb disease." Her best friend visits and reminds her of a legend that if a sick person folds one thousand cranes, she'll be gifted by the gods with health. She sets to this task and with spirit, strength, and courage, folds an amazing 644 paper cranes.
Focus of novel study: Higher level thinking
Make two Meaningful Connections
Ask one meaningful question each chapter
Make regular predictions
Put thought into the Response Questions
Basic Overview:
Sadako is a Japanese girl who lives with her older brother, younger sister, younger brother, and parents in Hiroshima, 1955. She attends school, has a best friend, and participates with Peace Day, a celebration to honor those who lost their lives due to the atomic bomb that was dropped during WWII. She is also opinionated, competitive, strong, and courageous. She is chosen to participate in a race at school, and while running, feels dizzy. At first a secret, her symptoms soon are detected by teachers. In the hospital she is diagnosed with leukemia, "the bomb disease." Her best friend visits and reminds her of a legend that if a sick person folds one thousand cranes, she'll be gifted by the gods with health. She sets to this task and with spirit, strength, and courage, folds an amazing 644 paper cranes.
Friday, 19 October 2012
Food Advertising: How to Promote Healthy Living
Due Date for First Filming of Skit: Monday October 22nd, 2012
Presentation: To Be Determined -- Awaiting the arrival of two movies cameras as the school currently does not have that works
Many factors influence youth food choices, including taste, preference, availability, family meal patterns, peer norms, price, and food advertising. The role of the media in food promotion is more prominent today than ever before. Much of the media is targeted to children is laden with elaborate advertising campaigns, many of which promote foods such as candy, pop, and salty snacks. It is important for youth to be aware of these techniques that advertising companies use to influence our
Over the past month we have been learning about healthy eating. In our learning, we have discovered that food advertising has a strong influence on the food purchasing patterns of individuals and families. In class, we have looked at newspaper/magazine advertisements, read articles (pertaining to healthy eating) and watched cartoons that reveal many of the tricks advertisers use.
Your assignment:
Develop a project that will enhance the awareness of the ways in which advertising can affect food choices. Students will produce creative ads to encourage their peers and families to eat at least six food Guide servings of vegetables and fruits every day.
In small groups, create food packaging, advertisements and/or displays to encourage other kids and their families to eat at least six servings of vegetables and fruit every day. Below is the list of ideas that we generated in class. Be sure to include them into your project as they are proven techniques that work. When creating groups, students will be given an opportunity to share their areas of strength. With this list, groups will be created to ensure a variety of skill sets exist within each group.
1. Appeal to health and happiness (it makes you healthier and happier)
2. Appeal to your senses (it tastes good, looks good, smells good or feels good)
3. Appeal to your pocket book (it saves you money)
4. Bandwagon (everybody loves it and wants it)
5. Testimonial (a famous person says he/she likes it)
6. Comparison (it is the better choice)
How will your project look? Students will present their project in a skit. They will be allowed to act out their skit in class or have the option to film their skit (which will be shown in class). The use of displays, costumes and props are highly encouraged to promote your ad. Note: You will need access to a movie camera. One can be used at the school (within the next few weeks) but it cannot leave the school. Therefore, check with your parents to see if they have one you can use at home if you are hoping to use a setting that is not available at home (example: dinner table, kitchen, etc..)
Presentation and Planning : Food Advertising Project -- Promote Healthy Food
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Teacher Name: Mr. Blick
| ||||
Student Name: ________________________________________
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Product Packaging Graphics
Graphics include some original material and are clearly related to the material being presented. Title of the product is easily identifiable. No spelling errors.
Graphics are clearly related to the material being presented, but none are original. Title of product is fairly obvious. One spelling mistake.
Graphics include some original material but are only somewhat related to the material being presented. Title of the product is somewhat noticeable. Two to three spelling mistakes.
Graphics are not related to the material being presented. No title for product is shown. More than three spelling errors.
Speaks clearly
Speaks clearly and distinctly all of the time and mispronounces no words.
Speaks clearly and distinctly all of the time but mispronounces 1 or more words.
Speaks clearly and distinctly most of the time and mispronounces no words.
Does NOT speak clearly and distinctly most of the time AND/OR mispronounces more than 1 word.
Facial expression and body language show a strong interest and enthusiasm about the topic throughout the skit, but it is not overdone.
Facial expression and body language show a strong interest and enthusiasm about the topic throughout the skit, but it is somewhat overdone.
Facial expression and body language show some interest and enthusiasm about the topic throughout the skit.
Facial expression and body language depict apathy or boredom with the topic.
Point of View - Purpose
Skit establishes a purpose at the beginning and maintains that focus throughout! Cohesive skit clearly promoting their skit.
Establishes a purpose at the beginning, but occasionally wanders from that focus and does not always relate to their product.
The purpose is somewhat clear but many apects of the skit seem only slightly related.
It was difficult to figure out the purpose of the skit.
Use of Props/Displays
Uses props and displays to effectively promote their product.
Uses props or displays to effectively promote their product.
While using props or displays, it not obvious why they are being used.
Does not use props and/ or displays for their project.
Includes Proven Advertising Techniques
Uses 3 or more techniques to promote their product.
Uses 2 techniques to promote their product.
Uses 1 technique to promote their product.
Does not use any techniques discussed in class to promote their product.
Group Work
The group functioned exceptionally well. All members listened to, shared with and supported the efforts of others. The group (all members) was almost always on task!
The group functioned pretty well. Most members listened to, shared with and supported the efforts of others. The group (all members) was almost always on task!
The group functioned fairly well but was dominated by one or two members. The group (all members) was almost always on task!
Some members of the group were often off task AND/OR were overtly disrespectful to others in the group AND/OR were typically disregarded by other group members.
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